What is Posture? Do you ever notice when you see people with good posture? They walk erect, their heads lifted, shoulders back, their arms swing evenly, and they move with a simple, efficient gait. Unfortunately, most of us have some structural imbalance that causes us to alter our posture. Many people think that by stiffening their back to stand up straight, they are correcting their posture but the tension in …
With joint injury, sprained ligaments initiate a complex chain reaction as the body compensates for the resulting hypermobility. To explain this better, we should consider that ligaments serve two main functions, proprioception and joint stability. Proprioception is a means of sensing the movement pattern of the joint, including direction, speed, and acceleration, and then balance the tension of the muscles to maintain even, smooth movement; this is an essential component …
Over the past 30 years, I have researched the literature on the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) and matched it to what I found in my patients. In the early 1990s, the keystone concept of form and force closure was introduced by a group of physiotherapists in Europe[1]. They came upon an idea after finding that “A commercial device used in painting ceilings helped us to conceive the concept of the SIJ …
Sometimes we get aches and pain in muscles, and we are not sure what is the best thing we can do to find relief. Should we take medication, stretch, exercise, apply heat or ice, massage, vibration, etc. Basically, we can classify these types of pain relief to one central cause and effect based on reduced circulation. First, we have to understand muscle tone, which is the state of tension in …