The opioid crisis has rightfully remained a national hot topic and manual therapies, provided by chiropractors and physical therapists alike, continue to deliver safer, opioid alternative treatment plans to patients battling chronic pain. Reducing Risks Side effects of prescription opioids have been fatal, and the statistics are glaringly undeniable. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 399,000 people died from an opioid overdose between 1997-2017 in the United States …
As we enter a new year, many of us resolve to take better care of ourselves and become more active, but we often fall short due to lack of preparation. Fortunately, with the right tools on deck, proper planning and a support system in place, wellness and fitness goals are within reach. Understand the Body For beginners, the idea of committing to regular workouts might be overwhelming when uncertain of …
Winter can be a beautiful and busy time of year with glistening, snowy landscapes, holiday fun and long-awaited opportunities to enjoy beloved winter activities, but the commotion of the season and cold temperatures can increase tension in our joints and bones. From shoveling snow, to hanging holiday decorations, to engaging in winter sports such as skiing or ice skating, the sacroiliac joints (SIJs) are being activated, which for many individuals …
A major consideration during pregnancy are the three of the joints of the pelvis, and their associated ligaments; two sacroiliac joints and one symphysis pubis. During Pregnancy The hormone relaxin normally occurs in both males and females but increases considerably (up to 10 times) during pregnancy. It is responsible for relaxation of the ligaments. As the ligaments relax, they stretch and allow the joints to widen in preparation for …